Project: All dressed up
Designer: A composite of drawings that I put together
to create a bookmark for the son of a friend who was studying Arts
Type of needlework: Embroidery and painting
Photo: 1
Comments: I was looking for something special to make as a gift for the adult son of a dear friend of mine who had returned to university in order to study Arts. He was doing lots of paintings and I suddenly thought that it might be fun to create a special bookmark for him. I started searching around and found some drawings at different places on the web and made a composite drawing, sized it to fit the dimension of a regular bookmark and then transferred my design on fabric with a pencil.
I did a lot of painting on the design, adding a bit here and a bit there, trying to create the impression of an oil painting with watercolours of course. When I was relatively happy with it, I then stitched the outline. The focus on this project was primarily painting on fabric. Of course being a stitcher I had to do a bit of stitching on it and by stitching an outline it defined better the contours.
This is a project that I have really enjoyed working on. It was pure experimentation from start to finish and I had absolutely no idea how the whole project would end up.