UPDATE 04/24/2011:
I wanted to finish this project so that it would be practical, so I have used a 6" by 6" Sudberry House trivet for it.
Under the canvas I have added a piece of fabric of a color similar to the canvas itself because of all the unstitched areas.
Again, I am afraid that the photo is not too good because of the glass reflection.
I can find that would look great in the middle of this design)

Project: 4-Way Bargello Orchid
Designer: Toni Gerdes
Type of needlework: Bargello
Photos: 6
Toni's website: http://www.tonigerdes.com/
ANG website: http://www.needlepoint.org/index.php
This is an absolutely lovely design that as member of ANG CyberPointers we received for free during our bimonthly meeting.
Toni was there in Cyberspace to help us along whenever we had questions
and she is still there even if the meeting is now over to answer our questions. Sometimes I wonder what we, stitchers, used to do before we started going online. We all used to stitch pretty much by ourselves without much communication with the other stitchers. Things sure have changed a lot since then and in this case for the better.
I started this project this past Thursday (November 4th) and I have already half of it completed. I just love these colors. I am using one of Toni's colorways, so can't get any credit for how well this is turning out to be. This is the Lavender/Green colorway.
This project can be done in 3 different sizes, mine will be the smallest size, which is 6" by 6". I thought that was a nice size as I don't always feel like ending up with big projects. Smaller also means that it takes less time to have a completed project.
In this project, there is one overdyed floss and all the rest of the threads are just Anchor floss of two different color families in different shades and 4 little plastic green leaves that will go in the middle where the dark lavender is located.
Now my big question is do I stop stitching after what has been done on the 5th photo which is the first photo above or do I continue stitching in order to do exactly as Toni Gerdes has done on her project (third photo above)?
The answer to that question is "I am not sure". If you have some opinions one way or another, I would love to hear from you. Please send me a little message at my email address here: LovetoStitch99@comcast.net .
motif as I wanted to see the progression of colors right away)